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Aro, T., Eklund, K., Eloranta, A.-K., Ahonen, T., & Rescorla, L. (2022). Learning disabilities elevate children’s risk for behavioral-emotional problems: Differences between LD types, genders, and contexts. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 55(6), 465–481.

Aro, T., Neittaanmäki, R, Korhonen, E., Riihimäki, H. & Torppa, M. (2023). A register study suggesting homotypic and heterotypic comorbidity among individuals with learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 0(0).

Azaiez, N., Loberg, O., Hämäläinen, J. A., & Leppänen, P. H. (2023). Auditory P3a response to native and foreign speech in children with or without attentional deficit. Neuropsychologia, 183, Article 108506. Open Access

Azaiez, N., Loberg, O., Lohvansuu, K., Ylinen, S., Hämäläinen, J. A., & Leppänen, P. H. T. (2023). Discriminatory Brain Processes of Native and Foreign Language in Children with and without Reading Difficulties. Brain Sciences, 13(1), Article 76. Open Access

Azaiez, N., Loberg, O., Hämäläinen, J. A., & Leppänen, P. H. T. (2022). Brain Source Correlates of Speech Perception and Reading Processes in Children With and Without Reading Difficulties. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16, Article 921977. Open Access

Ben-Yehudah, G., Hautala, J., Padeliadu, S., Antoniou, F., Petrová, Z., Leppänen, P., & Barzillai, M. (2018). Affordances and challenges of digital reading for individuals with different learning profiles. In M. Barzillai, J. Thomson, S. Schroeder, & van der Broek (Eds.), Learning to read in a digital world (pp. 121-140). Amsterdam: John Benjamins. LINK

Copeland A, Korja R, Nolvi S, Rajasilta O, Pulli EP, Kumpulainen V, Silver E, Saukko E, Hakanen H, Holmberg E, Kataja EL, Häkkinen S, Parkkola R, Lähdesmäki T, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Tuulari JJ. (2022) Maternal sensitivity at the age of 8 months associates with local connectivity of the medial prefrontal cortex in children at 5 years of age. Frontiers Neuroscience, Sep 15;16:920995. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2022.920995. PMID: 36188450; PMCID: PMC9520291.

Eskola E, Kataja EL, Hyönä J, Nolvi S, Häikiö T, Carter AS, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Korja R. Higher attention bias for fear at 8 months of age is associated with better socioemotional competencies during toddlerhood. Infant Behav Dev. 2023 May;71:101838. doi: 10.1016/j.infbeh.2023.101838. Epub 2023 Mar 28. PMID: 36996588.

Fawcett C, Nordenswan E, Yrttiaho S, Häikiö T, Korja R, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Kataja EL. Individual differences in pupil dilation to others' emotional and neutral eyes with varying pupil sizes. Cogn Emot. 2022 Aug;36(5):928-942. doi: 10.1080/02699931.2022.2073973. Epub 2022 May 10. PMID: 35536560.

Gustafsson HC, Nolvi S, Sullivan EL, Rasmussen JM, Gyllenhammer LE, Entringer S, Wadhwa PD, O'Connor TG, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Korja R, Buss C, Graham AM, Nigg JT. Early development of negative and positive affect: Implications for ADHD symptomatology across three birth cohorts. Development and Psychopathology. 2021 Dec;33(5):1837-1848. doi: 10.1017/s0954579421001012.

Hautala, J., Kiili, C., Kammerer, Y., Loberg, O., Hokkanen, S. & Leppänen, P. H. T. (2018). Sixth graders’ evaluation strategies when reading Internet search results: an eye-tracking study. Behaviour & Information Technology, 37:8,761-773.

Hautala, J., Loberg, O., Azaiez, N., Taskinen, S., Tiffin-Richards, S. P., & Leppänen, P. H. (2019). What information should I look for again? Attentional difficulties distracts reading of task assignments. Learning and Individual Differences, 75, 101775.

Hautala, J., Hawelka, S., Loberg, O. & Leppänen, P. (2021). A Dynamic Adjustment Model of Saccade Lengths in Reading for Word-Spaced Orthographies: Evidence from Simulations and Invisible Boundary Experiments. Journal of Cognitive Psychology.

Hautala, J., Salmerón, L., Tolvanen, A., Loberg, O., Leppänen, P. (2022). Task-oriented reading efficiency: Interplay of general cognitive ability, task demands, strategies and reading fluency. Reading and Writing.

Hautala, J., Salmerón, L., Tolvanen, A., Loberg, O., & Leppänen, P. (2022). Task-oriented reading efficiency : interplay of general cognitive ability, task demands, strategies and reading fluency. Reading and Writing, 35(8), 1787-1813. Open Access

Holmberg E, Kataja EL, Davis EP, Pajulo M, Nolvi S, Lahtela H, Nordenswan E, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Korja R. Unpredictable maternal sensory signals in caregiving behavior are associated with child effortful control. PLoS One.2022 Dec 20;17(12):e0279384. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0279384. PMID: 36538558; PMCID: PMC9767348.

Holmberg E, Kataja EL, Davis EP, Pajulo M, Nolvi S, Hakanen H, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Korja R. The Connection and Development of Unpredictability and Sensitivity in Maternal Care Across Early Childhood. Frontiers Psychology.2022 Mar 7;13:803047. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.803047. PMID: 35330718; PMCID: PMC8940198.

Hytönen, A., & Mäkelä, L. (2016). Kuudesluokkalaiset nettisivua lukemassa: Mitä silmänliikkeet kertovat oppilaiden lukustrategioista? (Master's thesis).

Häkkinen, P., Kiili, C., Hautala, J., Pöysä-Tarhonen, J., Kanniainen, L., & Leppänen, P.H.T. (2019). Lukemisen ja oppimisen vaikeudet digitaalisissa ympäristöissä. In Ahonen, T., Aro, M, Aro, T., Lerkkanen, M-K., Siiskonen, T. Oppimisen vaikeudet. Niilo Mäki Institute.

Kanniainen, L., Kiili, C., Tolvanen, A., Utriainen, J., Aro, M., Leu, D. J., & Leppänen, P. H. T. (2022). Online Research and Comprehension Performance Profiles Among Sixth‐Grade Students, Including Those with Reading Difficulties and/or Attention and Executive Function Difficulties. Reading Research Quarterly, 57(4), 1213-1235. Open Access

Kanniainen, L., Kiili, C., Tolvanen, A., Utriainen, J., Aro, M., Leu, D. J., & Leppänen, P. H. T. (2022). Online Research and Comprehension Performance Profiles Among Sixth‐Grade Students, Including Those with Reading Difficulties and/or Attention and Executive Function Difficulties. Reading Research Quarterly, 57(4), 1213-1235.

Kanniainen, L., Kiili, C., Tolvanen, A., Utriainen, J., & Leppänen, P. H. (2023). Motivationaaliset ulottuvuudet tutkivassa nettilukemisessa. Oppimisen ja oppimisvaikeuksien erityislehti : NMI-bulletin, 33(1), 35-53.

Kataja EL, Eskola E, Pelto J, Korja R, Paija SP, Nolvi S, Häikiö T, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Leppänen JM. The stability of early developing attentional bias for faces and fear from 8 to 30 and 60 months in the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Dev Psychol. 2022 Sep 8. doi: 10.1037/dev0001432. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36074585.

Katja Tervahartiala, Saara Nolvi, Eeva-Leena Kataja, Milka Seppälä, Tuomo-Artturi Autere, Hetti Hakanen, Hasse Karlsson, Alice Carter, Linnea Karlsson & Riikka Korja (2023)Childcare context and socio-emotional development in toddlers – a quantitative report from the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study, Finland, European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, DOI: 10.1080/1350293X.2023.2234110

Khanolainen, D., Salminen, J., Eklund, K., Lerkkanen, M.-K., & Torppa, M. (2022). Intergenerational transmission of dyslexia: How do different identification methods of parental difficulties influence the conclusions regarding children’s dyslexia risk? Reading Research Quarterly

Kiili, C., Leu, D. J., Marttunen, M., Hautala, J., & Leppänen, P. H. (2017). Exploring early adolescents’ evaluation of academic and commercial online resources related to health. Reading and Writing, 1-25.

Koponen, T., Aro, T., Leskinen, M., Peura, P. Viholainen, H., & Aro, M. (2023). Cognitive skills, math-related emotions and beliefs explaining response to arithmetic fluency intervention. Journal of Experimental Education, 0(0).

Korhonen L, Nolvi S, Peltola V, Lukkarinen M, Korja R, Karlsson L, Karlsson H. Investigating the role of relationship satisfaction and paternal psychological distress during pregnancy on offspring health in early life. BJPsych Open.2023 May 25;9(3):e100. doi: 10.1192/bjo.2023.59. PMID: 37226500; PMCID: PMC10228277.

Kullberg, N., Kiili, C., Bråten, I., González-Ibáñez, R., & Leppänen, P. H. T. (2023). Sixth graders’ selection and integration when writing from multiple online texts. Instructional Science, 51(1), 39-64. Open Access

Lahtela H, Nolvi S, Flykt M, Kataja EL, Eskola E, Pelto J, Bridgett DJ, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Korja R. Mother-infant interaction and maternal postnatal psychological distress are associated with negative emotional reactivity among infants and toddlers- A FinnBrain Birth Cohort study. Infant Behav Dev. 2023 Aug;72:101843. doi: 10.1016/j.infbeh.2023.101843. Epub 2023 Jun 6. PMID: 37285708.

Li R, Kajanoja J, Lindblom J, Korja R, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Nolvi S, Karukivi M. Corrigendum to "The role of alexithymia and perceived stress in mental health responses to COVID-19: A conditional process model". Journal of Affective Disorders, 306 (2022) 9-18, doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2022.03.078.

Lindblom J., Pajulo M., Nolvi S., Tervahartiala K., Karlsson H., Karlsson L., Korja R. (2022) Early pathways of maternal mentalization: Associations with child development in the FinnBrain birth cohort study, Frontiers in Psychology (vol 13). doi:

Loberg, O., Hautala, J., Hämäläinen, J. A., & Leppänen, P. H. (2018). Semantic anomaly detection in school-aged children during natural sentence reading–A study of fixation-related brain potentials. PloS one, 13(12), e0209741.

Loberg, O., Hautala, J., Hämäläinen, J., & Leppänen, P.H.T. (2019). Influence of reading skill and word length on fixation-related brain activity in school-aged children during natural reading. Vision Research, 165, 109-122.

Nina Mellenius, Riikka Korja, Mirjam Kalland, Rauno Huttunen, Johanna Sourander, Saara Salo, Saija Westerlund-Cook & Niina Junttila (2023) “I Try to Think Behind My Child’s Cry”: Preparation for Separation Experiences in the Light of Parental Mentalization, Journal of Infant, Child, and Adolescent Psychotherapy, 22:3, 290-309, DOI: 10.1080/15289168.2023.2240004

Nolvi S, Paavonen EJ, Korja R, Pelto J, Karukivi M, Tuulari JJ, Karlsson H, Karlsson L. Course of child social-emotional and sleep symptoms, parental distress and pandemic-related stressors during COVID-19. Dev Psychopathol. 2023 Feb 16:1-15. doi: 10.1017/S0954579422001377. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36794405.

Nordenswan E, Deater-Deckard K, Karrasch M, Laine M, Kataja EL, Holmberg E, Eskola E, Hakanen H, Karlsson H, Karlsson L, Korja R. Maternal Executive Functioning, Emotional Availability and Psychological Distress During Toddlerhood: A FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. Front Psychol. 2021 Oct 8;12:735734. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.735734. PMID: 34690890; PMCID: PMC8533223.

Paananen, M., Husberg, H., Katajamäki, H., & Aro, T. (2022). School-based group intervention in attention and executive functions: Intervention response and moderators. Frontiers in Psychology,

Peura, P., Aro, T., Räikkönen, E., Viholainen, H., & Aro, M. (2022) Children’s academic reading self-efficacy: From theory to intervention. In Nielsen & Khine (Eds.). Academic Self-efficacy in Education: Nature, Assessment, and Research. Springer.

Psyridou, M., Tolvanen, A., de Jong, P. F., Lerkkanen, M.-K., Poikkeus, A.-M., & Torppa, M. (2021). Developmental profiles of reading fluency and reading comprehension from grades 1 to 9 and their early identification. Developmental Psychology, 57(11), 1840–1854.

Psyridou, M., Tolvanen, A., Niemi, P., Lerkkanen, M.-K., Poikkeus, A.-M., & Torppa M., (2022). Reading fluency and reading comprehension development across grades 1 to 9: Unidirectional or bidirectional effects? Reading and Writing.

Psyridou, M., Tolvanen, A., Patel, P., Khanolainen, D., Lerkkanen, M.-K., Poikkeus, A.-M., Torppa, M. (2022). Reading Difficulties Identification: A Comparison of Neural Networks, Linear, and Mixture Models. Scientific Studies of Reading.

Psyridou, M., Tolvanen, A., Patel, P., Khanolainen, D., Lerkkanen, M.-K., Poikkeus, A.-M., & Torppa, M. (2023). Reading Difficulties Identification : A Comparison of Neural Networks, Linear, and Mixture Models. Scientific Studies of Reading, 27(1), 39-66.

Psyridou, M., Tolvanen, A., Niemi, P., Lerkkanen, M.-K., Poikkeus, A.-M., & Torppa, M. (2022). Development of silent reading fluency and reading comprehension across grades 1 to 9 : unidirectional or bidirectional effects between the two skills?. Reading and Writing, Early online.

Pulli EP, Silver E, Kumpulainen V, Copeland A, Merisaari H, Saunavaara J, Parkkola R, Lähdesmäki T, Saukko E, Nolvi S, Kataja EL, Korja R, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Tuulari JJ. Feasibility of FreeSurfer Processing for T1-Weighted Brain Images of 5-Year-Olds: Semiautomated Protocol of FinnBrain Neuroimaging Lab. Front Neurosci. 2022 May 2;16:874062. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2022.874062. PMID: 35585923; PMCID: PMC9108497.

Raatikainen, P., Hautala, J., Loberg, O., Kärkkäinen, T., Leppänen, P., & Nieminen, P. (2021). Detection of developmental dyslexia with machine learning using eye movement data. Array, 100087.

Ronimus, M., Tolvanen, A., & Hautala, J. (2022). The roles of motivation and engagement in computer-based assessment of children's reading comprehension. Learning and Individual Differences, 98, Article 102197.

Ronimus, M. M. S., Tolvanen, A. J., & Ketonen, R. H. (2023). Is There Hope for First Graders at the Lowest Percentiles? : The Roles of Self-Efficacy, Task Avoidance, and Support in the Development of Reading Fluency. Learning Disability Quarterly, 46(2), 120-133.

Siuko, J. (2019). Tarkkaavaisuusongelmien ilmeneminen lukemisen silmänliikkeissä (Master's thesis).

Sivola, J., Närhi, V., Tolvanen, A., Virtanen, T., & Savolainen, H. (2023). Examining the effects of special education support on students’ affective and motivational outcomes : an analysis using propensity score matching. European Journal of Special Needs Education, Early online.

Tervahartiala K, Perasto L, Kortesluoma S, Korja R, Karlsson H, Nolvi S, Karlsson L. Latent profile analysis of diurnal cortisol patterns at the ages of 2, 3.5, and 5 years: Associations with childcare setting, child individual characteristics, and maternal distress. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2023 Jul 29;156:106345. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2023.106345. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37540904.

Torppa, M., Vasalampi, K., Eklund, K. & Niemi, P. (2022). Long-term effects of home literacy environment on reading development -Familial risk for dyslexia as a moderator. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.

Ulvinen, E., Torppa, M., Lerkkanen, M.-K., & Poikkeus, A.-M. (2022). Tarkkaavaisuus- ja lukusujuvuusongelmien päällekkäistyminen toisella luokalla ja yhteys myöhempään lukusujuvuuden ja luetun ymmärtämisen kehittymiseen. NMI Bulletin, 3

Usher, E. L., Butz, A. R., Chen, X.-Y., Ford, C. J., Han, J., Mamaril, N. A., Morris, D. B., Peura, P., & Piercey, R. R. (2023). Supporting self-efficacy development from primary school to the professions: A guide for educators. Theory Into Practice, 62(3), 266-278.

van Bergen, E., Hart, S. A., Latvala, A., Vuoksimaa, E., Tolvanen, A., & Torppa, M. (2023). Literacy skills seem to fuel literacy enjoyment, rather than vice versa. Developmental Science, 26(3), Article e13325.

Väliaho A, Lehtonen L, Axelin A, Korja R. Parental Narratives of Bonding and Relational Experiences with Preterm Infants Born at 23 to 24 Weeks-A Qualitative Descriptive Study. Children (Basel). 2023 Apr 28;10(5):793. doi: 10.3390/children10050793. PMID: 37238341; PMCID: PMC10217604.

Submitted/ In review/revision.

Aro, T., Özbek, A., & Torppa, M. Predicting Adult-Age Mental Health with Childhood Reading and Math Disability: Do Resilience and Coping Styles Matter?


Aro, T., Eklund, K., Hynd, G., & Ahonen, A. Associations of Inattention, Hyperactivity, and Sex with Behavioral–Emotional Symptoms among Children with Mathematical Disability.

D Khanolainen, M Psyridou, K Eklund, T Aro, M Torppa Predicting Reading Fluency Growth from Grade 2 to Age 23 with Parental and Child Factors PsyArXiv

Khanolainen, D., Gerike, K., Eklund, K., Tolvanen, A., Psyridou, M., Koponen, T., Aro, M., Lerkkanen, M.-K., Poikkeus, A.-M., & Torppa, M. (in press). Parental influences on the development of single and co-occurring difficulties in reading and arithmetic fluency. Learning and Individual Differences

Khanolainen, D., Psyridou, M., Eklund, K., Aro, T., & Torppa, M. (submitted). Reading Fluency Growth Curve Trajectories from Grade 2 to Age 23 and the Effects of Parental and Child Factors.

Manu, M., Torppa, M., Vasalampi, K., Lerkkanen, M., Poikkeus, A., & Niemi, P. (in press). Reading Development from Kindergarten to Age 18: The Role of Gender and Parental Education. Reading Research Quarterly

Olkkonen, L. & Pietilä, M. (2023). Kuudesluokkalaisten internetlukustrategiat:lukemisen ja tarkkaavuuden haasteiden vaikutus silmänliikkeisiin hakutulossivua luettaessa (Candidate's thesis).

Psyridou, M., Torppa, M., Tolvanen A., Poikkeus, A.-M., Lerkkanen, M.-K., Koponen, T. (submitted, R1). Developmental profiles of arithmetic skills from Grade 1 to 9 and their early identification.

Pulli EP, Nolvi S, Eskola E, Nordenswan E, Holmberg E, Copeland A, Kumpulainen V, Silver E, Merisaari H, Saunavaara J, Parkkola R, Lähdesmäki T, Saukko E, Kataja EL, Korja R, Karlsson L, Karlsson H, Tuulari JJ. Structural brain correlates of non-verbal cognitive ability in 5-year-old children: Findings from the FinnBrain birth cohort study. Hum Brain Mapp. 2023 Aug 22. doi: 10.1002/hbm.26463. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37606608.

Raatikainen, P. (2019). Automatic detection of developmental dyslexia from eye movement data (Master's thesis).

Robidoux, S., Eklund, K., Aro, T., MacArthur, G., & Torppa, M. (submitted). The cross-lagged associations between reading and emotional well-being in grades 1-3

S Robidoux, K Eklund, G McArthur, DA Francis, M Torppa, T Aro Reading and Psychosocial Development in Finnish Children: Poor Reading Is Associated With Later Anxiety PsyArXiv

Saarinen T, Ylijoki M, Lehtonen L, Munck P, Stolt S, Lapinleimu H, Rautava P, Haataja L, Setänen S, Leppänen M, Huhtala M, Saarinen K, Grönroos L, Korja R; PIPARI Study group. Web-based follow-up tool (ePIPARI) of preterm infants-study protocol for feasibility and performance. BMC Pediatr. 2023 Aug 23;23(1):413. doi: 10.1186/s12887-023-04226-4. PMID: 37612695.

Torppa, M., Aro, T., Eklund, K., Parrila, R., Eloranta, A.-K., Ahonen T. (in press). Adolescent reading and math skills and self-concept beliefs as predictors of age 20 emotional well-being. Reading and Writing

Torppa, M., Niemi, P., Vasalampi, K., Manu, M., & Lerkkanen, M. K. (2023). Can We Explain the Large Gender Gap in PISA Reading Performance? the Finnish Enigma Demystified.

Ulvinen, E., Psyridou, M., Lerkkanen, M., Poikkeus, A., Siekkinen, M., & Torppa, M. (2023, March 24). Developmental Leisure Reading Profiles and Their Association with Reading Skills Across Grades 1–9.